Most of the times we find ourselves surrounded by various means of communication and media, which are becoming increasingly interactive. We use the media sphere to keep in touch with friends and family, find information, get involved, but at the same time, this sphere is being constantly and aggressively invaded by people trying to sell or offer us something.

Media literacy is therefore an individuals key competence, when it comes to his or her full integration into the society. The associated skills, such as the ability to get the right information, critical thinking and appropriate use of language in different contexts, are now virtually indispensable.

The Backpack Journalism method sees young people not only as media consumers, but as individuals who have a right and a responsibility to express their views on the society through various media. The method is closely related to the concept of citizen journalism, in which citizens, understood in a traditional sense merely as an audience, take the media into their own hands and begin to inform each other.
EVS Volunteers will have the opportunity to be trained and to take part in most of the main action of Socialna akademija, with a special focus on the backpack journalism project.

BPJ method is attractive for youngsters, because it includes a challenge of travel (within Slovenia or outside national borders), critical thinking dimension and a ‘share your world dimension’; in short

POTUJ-MISLI-DELI (Travel – Think – Share)


Mattia Bagnato

Sonia Proharam

Ivana Starična