Z našo pobudo in s sodelovanjem z Balkan campers želimo mlade vzpodbuditi in opogumiti, da se odpravijo na pot, vendar ne kot tusrist ampak popotnik. Z mislijo POTUJEM. MISLIM. DELIM. Potujem z odprtimi očmi, ker mi ni pomemben samo cilj, mislim, ker se zavedam pomembnosti kritičnega pogleda na svet okoli mene, in delim smiselne zgodbe, ker mi selfiji niso dovolj
Odpravam je na voljo tudi brezplačna izposoja snemalne/fotografske opreme na Socialni Akademiji: http://socialna-akademija.si/izposoja/
S prijavo na odpravo (do vključno 7.6.2018) ste pripravljeni na naslednje izzive (vaše obveznosti pred odpravo):
Že imaš idejo, kako nas boš prepričal/a s svojo avanturo?
[/cs_text][contact-form-7][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][/cs_element_section] ]]>Najbolj sem srečen, da tudi sodnike čaka sodnik, tudi odvetnike čaka odvetnik, tudi vse tiste, ki mislijo da so trenutno na tem svetu nedotakljivi ih čaka dan D in cajt, ko ne bo bilo spletki in prevar in cajt, ko ne bo bilo veze in poznanstvov, cajt ko bo sam s svojimi spomini in svojimi dejanji, katere so naredil v tem svetu. Če kdo misli, da lahko dela slabe stvari in da se potem ne bo to nikjer poznal, da mu tukaj rata čez in da je tu pol konec, to bi bilo nefer in nelogično, in nobena energija, noben stvoritelj, noben bog, tisti, ki je to vse ustvaril, si ne bi dovolil bit toliko zloben, da ne bi prišel dan, ta prava poravnava za vse in, da vsak odgovarja za tisto, kar je naredil dobro in za tisto kaj je naredil slabo. To je moja filozofija zakaj si želim naredit čim več dobrih del.
Nikoli ne sodim drugim, kaj še le sebi. Definitivno je to samo tekma. Ne upam si govoriti da sem v plusu, ne upam si pa reč niti da sem v minusu. Lahko rečem samo, da sem čebela, ki je pridna samo za sebe. Predvsem s svojimi dejanji želim pustit, na neki način sled, kot kakor so določeni ljudi pustili sled in so vplival pozitivno na mene. Se pravi, lahko bi si vzel za vzgled kakšno budalo, pa si jo na srečo nisem. Ampak sem si vzel pametne stvari, pametne ljudje, kot kakor so Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Nelson Mandela, Ivan Kramberger…
Neee. Itak, da ne. Tudi takšni, ki govorijo da so, niso. Kakšni, ki zastopajo levico niso. So, dokler je nekdo tam. Vse je v redu, samo ne hodit sem, pa bomo „kul“. Ne razumejo ljudje Evrope. Redko kdo razume Evropo in enakopravnost. Enakopravnost dokler me ubogaš. Enakopravnost, dokler delaš za mene. Enakopravnost dokler ne začneš vplivat na moje življenje. Enakopravnost dokler se smejiš manj od mene. To paše belcem. Še vedno smo, na nek način dvolični do vseh ostalih in nam paše, da smo na neki način vodilna sila.
Bosna je bila vedno odprta…zelo odprta in tudi, vedno je bila kot otrok – naivna in je zmeri dala roko. To je dejal Djordje Balašević in to sem si zapomnil za vse večne cajte. Se pravi Slovenija je dama, Zagreb je gospod, Beograd je Beograd… Bosna je bila vedno naivna kot otrok. Upam da je jasno ljudem da je nikoli ne bojo mogli uničit. Če jo Turki niso mogli, če jo Avstrougarska ni mogla, kako bi jo pol sosedne države lahko? Škoda ker moram tako govorit, ampak včasih je dobro ljudem povedat. Dobro je govorit o teh stvarih, da se ne pozabi.
Ne vem…če mi pokažete kjerkoli v Evropi katoliško cerkev, pravoslavno cerkev, džamijo, pa še sinagogo v radiju od treh kilometrov, jaz si ga bom zdaj odrezal.
To pravijo neizobraženi ljudje, ker ne znajo izkoristit lepote Prešernovega jezika in… Ljudje bi mogli mal več potovat, in manj bit žlehti. Na sploh da se dviguješ nad nekoga si že v startu felo. V končni fazi bi lahko samo rekel, da žleht človek je žleht človek. Žleht človek ne pozna nacije, žleht človek ne pozna pripadnosti. Če smo že pri „čefurju“, je „čefur“ lahko tudi Zmago Jelinčič, Janez Janša… Jaz sem večji Slovenc kot Janša recimo, pa mi pol države hoče povedat, da nisem Slovenc. Jaz sploh več ne vem kaj sem, zaradi tega, ker mi na vsake deset vprašanih ljudi bo vsak neki drugega rekel za mene. V končni fazi vem da sem samo človek, pa samo potnik na temu svetu. Ampak vem, ko grem spat, da imam čisto zvest in da zaspim kot beba. Ne kažem s prstom pa na druge ljudje in razlagam kaj so oni, ker se mi to zdi brez veze. Spoštujem pa njihove odločitve, da če človek hoče bit gej, da je gej.
V bistvu mene to nikoli ni neki ful zaviralo, samo dal mi je pač veter v hrbet in z današnjim delom kažem ljudem, da so stereotipi pač samo stereotipi in, da je treba ljudem dati priložnost ne glede na to iz kje prihajajo, pomembna so samo njihova dejanja.
To je, res, ena super stvar, ki je manjkala in sem vesel, da ekipa festivala „Igraj se z mano“ na čelu z Janezom Levcem vztrajajo pri temu festivalu in da nadgrajujejo, in se trudijo vsako leto naredit tovrstne dogodke od športnega, kulturnega in tega glavnega…da morda ljudje obiščejo in lahko dobijo občutek, da je tudi to del naše družbe in da to ni neki „bow wow“.
Rajše sem sam, ali pa kot kar bi bil v slabi družbi. Ampak, z njimi sam pa toliko cajta, ker so dobra družba. Na neki način, smešno mi je sploh, da bi si delo, bog ne daj, promocijo na tak način. Želel bi si da bi lahko več mogoče naredil za njih. Človek ustvarja, se trudi, se druži z različnimi… Rad ih obiščem, rad ih objamem, ker se že dolg vidimo. Res mi to pomeni, da doživimo skupi lepe majske dni, pa da je sonček, probavamo vse živo… Enostavno se počutim kot otrok. Oni meni, se pravi dajo to, da me vrnejo nazaj v otroštvo in zbudijo otroka v meni.
Ja, itak…ker sem rekreativno treniral boks cel lajf. Boks je super stvar, super šport, ampak boks tako stilom, elegantno, kot tigrov, kot igra dveh mačk, kot kar bi rekel en pokojni trener Janez Gale. Ne nasilno.
Intervjujala je Marija Tarbuk.
]]>Društvo študentov novinarstva FEJS Slovenija po prvomajskih počitnicah načrtuje izvedbo “Novinarskih dnevov” med 7. in 9. majem 2018.
Trije dnevi, mnogo domačih in tujih medijskih ustvarjalcev in ogromno priložnosti! Vse to na novinarskih dnevih, ki jih FEJS(t) novinarji organiziramo premierno.
Kaj? Novinarski dnevi
Kdaj? 7., 8. in 9. maj
Kdo? Striparji, karikaturisti, satiriki, “detektivi”, pododdajniki, popotniki, novinarji
Kje? Fakulteta za družbene vede v Ljubljani
Kako? Brezplačno
Zakaj? Ker bomo imeli super goste z mnogimi izkušnjami
Pridruži se nam na predavanjih, okroglih mizah in sproščenih pogovorih s priznanimi slovenskimi in tujimi gosti. Vsak dan smo pripravili dva dogodka in ogromno zanimivih tem, o katerih v predavalnici ne slišiš prav veliko.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2024656421127776/?ti=cl
Od ponedeljka do srede bodi z nami tudi ti!
Kaj se bo dogajalo?
V ponedeljek, 7. 5. 2018, bomo izvedli:
11.00 – Predavanje “Striparstvo v novinarstvu” s Cirilom Horjakom
14.00 – Okroglo mizo “Humor in satira” s Sašom Hribarjem, Izarjem Lunačkom, Damirjem Globočnikom
V torek, 8. 5. 2018, bomo izvedli:
16.00 – Okrogla miza o podcastih
17.30 – Okrogla miza o preiskovalnem novinarstvu z Vanjo Gligorović (Tarča), Tino Kristan (24 ur Inšpektor), Anžetom Voh Bošticem (glavni urednik portala Pod črto)
V sredo, 9. 5. 2018, bomo izvedli:
10.00 – Predavanje in delavnica o popotniškem novinarstvu z mednarodnim novinarjem Alexom Crevarjem
14.30 – JO popotniško novinarstvo
Za vsakega se kaj najde: medijska pismenost, multimedija, organizacija dogodkov, pisanje člankov, delo z mladimi, ozaveščanje javnosti, sodelovanje z različnimi organizacijami …
Vpiši se v spodnji obrazec do 28.2.2018. Prakso začnemo s sestankom v začetku marca. Več informacij dobiš na ali 040540386.
[contact-form-7]Popotniški pozdrav: Potuj, Misli, Deli. Ekipa Bivaka te že čaka
Projekt Inkubator 4.0 – družbene pobude za večjo zaposlenost in boljšo prihodnost skozi tristopenjski proces usposabljanj mladim pomaga do zaposlitev v svetu 4.0. Vanj bo vključenih vsaj 320 mladih, vsaj 32 od teh pa se jih bo tekom projekta zaposlilo. Naložbo sofinancirata Republika Slovenija in Evropska unija iz Evropskega socialnega sklada.
]]>But this time I will not tell you the whole story about my EVS, not even half of it. You know, two of my strongest experinces are actually part of this „Backpack journalism“ project. First one, July’s „Jaz novinar“ summer school for kids was just the intro into the second one, one that really (let’s say it again in a cheesy way), brought me the strongest learning experience on my EVS.
So, this blog is about the youth exchange „The right amount of everything“ held in August, when my EVS was right in the middle, and yeah, when really right amount of good things happened to me
The idea of the youth exchange was to gather young people from seven countries who would be learned how to make short documentary movies, and then be divided into five groups and make their own docuumentary during three – day trip around Slovenia.
First of all, it is important to say that this was my first ever youth exchange that i participated in. And since my organisation (Socialna akademija, SAK) was the main organiser, i had an opportunity not to be just the participant, but also to help with the first steps of organisation. Project management + filming&multimedia stuff, not so bad, right?
Now when i look back, i see how i was unprepared and not aware of the things that need to be done. But I had luck that i could learn from the best ones – Sabina and people from SAK were really giving their best to make this thing both well organised and interseting. Maybe one extra plus was the fact that the team was really young and mostly all of them i also consider friends, not just co-workers, so it was really funny and interesting to be in the process from the beginning where we all, you know, brainstorm, work extra hours, organise stuff, make quizzes, make for the third time tea bag presents, ask around for extra sleeping bags, cry, laugh, search for the right trainers, bla bla bla. LOL i am so happy that we picked those trainers that we did, one of them really impressed me during one class.
But all in all, it was nice to feel like a part of the good working team.
And when we talk about the participants, as i said at the beginning, at some point we needed to divide them into five groups for that filming trip, and each group should have had two menthors, and as i saw it, each group had at least one very strong and experienced mentor. I was pretty new in this field and expected to be in a team with somebody more relevant that i am, but at the end, i was a menthor with another person who was also pretty unexperienced, and also busy, so a lot of the things i needed to do alone. Later on, Sabina, that clever foxy, told me that she drag me into this fire on purpose, so that i have even stronger learning experience. You know, in other case, i would rely on the other menthor too much and wouldn’t learn a lot of things, so thanks for that
As for that filming trip, I can say that I learned two major things:
– There are some things that you need to push and organise very well, in advance, quicly,
– There are some things that you need to let build up slowly, naturaraly, spontaneously
For the first one, I thing that it is very obvious. Whenever i organised stuff in advance, called to check if there are free parking spots, free camping spots, free tables for lunch, the right busses that drive at the right time, everything was allright. But on the other hand, whenever i was like, „ok, let’s go to the bus station and wait for the random bus“, or, „ok let’s just go inside the first reastaurant that we see“, or, „ok, lets just go there and check when we arrive if we can leave our tents there“, something went wrong. It sounds stupid and obvious, but before, i was really too much relying on luck and doing these mistakes and this was a problem.
On the other hand, as a team menthor, your kinda of a „job“ is to take care that the team is happy, connected, without any tension, all in all, surrounded by healthy atmosphere. We are all different individuals with our own needs and tempers, and sometimes it can be difficult to build up that harmony. And there I learned that these kind of a things you cannot force and openly push, because otherwise your team will feel presure and at the end, only break. So how this proccess looked like? First we shared some random box of chocolate that we found. Then we needed to set up the tent…then we went swimming…then we were together nervous because we were late for the bus and then even took the wrong one…then we laughed so hard together when we were filming one person talking and at the end realised that we forgot to click „play“ button. Then they all laughed so hard when we went SUPing and i was the only one falling into the water on the right place where we were warned not to fall. Oh and then we were laughing so hard when we went for some beers and after went to pee in the bushes, and some guys saw us. By the end of the filming trip, hilarious unpredictable situations were happening, but we realised that one thing stayed constant, word „together“.
It is so funny when I realise that life really is about the right amount of everything – both good organisation and unpredictable „go with the flow“ attitude. Going into any extreme doesn’t really bring any good…I believe this wasn’t the real intention of the youth exchange, but it really was one of the strongest life learning – experiences that i had.
Only exception is that „Despacito“ song. At the end of the youth exchange, even that thing became dear to me, although it was not played in the right amount, but we were literally brainwashed :p
V tehnološko razvitejšem delu sveta mladi potujejo vsak dan več in za manj denarja. Vsak se lahko usede na letalo in iz danes na jutri poleti na drug konec sveta. Vendar kljub temu, da mladi lahko brez večjih težav obiščejo drug konec sveta, pogosto delajo isto, kot bi bili na plaži v Portorožu. Ko se na primer s prijatelji pogovarjaš o potovanjih, je verjetno najprej v ospredju cena, ki si jo plačal za karto in lokacije, ki si jih obiskal.
V današnji potrošniško obarvani družbi smo se tudi na potovanja navadili gledali predvsem skozi očala udobja in privoščljivosti, ki vedno pomembnejšo vlogo igrata v svetu turizma. Že če se ustavimo na domačem dvorišču, lahko (sploh med poletjem) jasno vidimo, kaj s seboj prinaša masovni turizem: gruče ljudi, ki s fotoaparati slikajo vse, kar imajo pred nosom in slikajo tudi drugi, a sploh ne vedo, kaj to je in kaj to pomeni za lokalno kulturo; kupe smeti, ki jih ne vidimo samo zato, ker jih vsak večer nevidno pospravijo smetarji; vedno več in več hotelov in apartmajev, ki človeka stacionirajo in ga v bistvu oddaljijo od dejanske okolice in pristnega doživljanja kulture; vse več in več avtomobilov in klimatiziranih avtobusov z ljudmi, ki že čez nekaj ur hitijo na naslednjo »must-see« lokacijo … vse to se nam verjetno zdi bolj ali manj normalno, tako kot ogromno število mladih, ki obešeni na ekrane svojih mobilnikov stopajo skozi svet in ga vedno bolj doživljajo digitalno.
A vrnimo se nazaj k potovanjem: imajo poseben čar. Na potovanju se ti zgodi ogromno stvari, doživiš srečanja z ljudmi, okoliščine te vržejo iz cone udobja, dotaknejo se te čarobni preprosti trenutki, ki jih v vsakdanjem življenju pogosto spregledaš – s tem se spreminjaš, prilagajaš, rasteš, odpiraš novemu… če si to le dopustiš. Pa si se morda kdaj vprašal, kakšne vrste popotnik sploh si? Si bolj turističen in ti je mar za udobje in skrbno načrtovano pot ali spadaš med tiste, ki se z nahrbtnikom podajo novim avanturam naproti? Naredimo kratek postanek pri treh zelo podobnih, a hkrati čisto različnih pomenih besed:
– Turist: aranžmajsko gibanje po organiziranih poteh, diktirano s strani agencije ali vodiča. Druga opcija, ležanje in zabušavanje v organizaciji agencije in minimalni premiki iz hotelskih kompleksov.
– Dopustnik: se v veliki meri navezuje na turista v smislu preživljanja dopusta, mogoče dodamo tukaj zraven še prikoličarje in kamperje.. v glavnem – da vse štiri od sebe.
– Popotnik je rad samostojen pri organizaciji, ponavadi ima okvirno vnaprej začrtano pot oz. jo lahko iz dneva v dan prilagaja, bistveno je, da je to zanj logistično in cenovno ugodno. Če je le možno, se giblje po neustaljenih poteh, ne obremenjuje se preveč s samo nastanitvijo in hotelskimi brisačami, raje obišče kakšno skrito ulico in se neobremenjeno druži z domačini …
– Popotniški novinar je lahko vsak, ki mu je mar za svet okoli sebe. Bistveno je, da se začnemo zavedati moči, ki jih prinašajo vse boljše tehnološke zmožnosti za povezanost sodobnega sveta. Kot popotniški novinarji lahko čez čas dosežemo družbene spremembe, promoviramo vrednote, ki se nam zdijo bistvene za lepšo prihodnost in s tem prispevamo k boljši družbi. Njegovo vodilo se glasi Potuj, Misli, Deli: potuj zavestno, z odprtimi očmi, misli s svojo glavo in bodi pozoren na dogajanje okoli sebe in deli svoja izkustva z drugimi, da jim s tem pristno približaš tako bližnje kot oddaljene dežele in kulture, s tem pa razbijaš mite, katerih zidovi vse hitreje rastejo – predvsem s pomočjo ozkoglednih medijev.
»Mnogi potujejo, pa ne vedo, zakaj. Mnogi gledajo, pa ne vedo, kaj. Potuj drugače. Potuj, Misli, Deli!.«
I remember that we drew each other’s portrait on the first evening when we met. Each person out of 34 people drew one part of a face for each person who sat in front of them. The portraits to which the envelopes were pinned later, only to be filled with beautiful messages from those you’ve spent your time in Zapotok with. And now you can almost feel a tear forming in your eyes while reading what those people have written for you. But in the hole between the first evening and trip to home, there was a swirl. I lost myself in there and found myself again, and I am sure others had the same feeling.
I’ve arrived to a conclusion Let me just explain it in a different way:
Let yourself be in the flow together with the people who join you in on your path. Don’t be afraid of yourself and a human who you are yet to become. Feel the warm hand on your back and let yourself smile. Feel the magic fire that lights up your dreams, listen how the air breathes and sense how human smell. Laugh in a quiet thought and be calm when your thoughts are loud. See how beautiful everything is and be aware that even the pain is letting you live. Take to the highs what you want and see the freedom cave inside. Be thankful for waterfalls because of the sound they make, be grateful for a soul who wants love, cause someday you’ll get it all. Air is the same but new for us all, sounds of the sun are white. Everything around us was colored rich, and we should allow ourselves to feel it might be just for us.
First two days we learned, and I didn’t even know, how to write a script. Every time, when somebody said something about camera settings I wondered how one can even find something there – whereas for now I even know how to use them a little bit! We saw people with a sparkle in their eyes, enjoying their work. And that is why we’ve felt happy to have had the opportunity to learn from them, be a part of their students for a short period. Seeing that life took those people to the right direction was a gift, because it inspires us to follow our dreams as well. So the following three days it was a world which we’ve created. A new world.
We had five topics: Minimalism, Stress, Time management, Healthy food and Spirituality. In those three days, we went on a short trip with our groups. We filmed the material for our short documentaries. While watching them, you will feel us, our emotions and our happiness. After so much that has happened, it was strange to go back home. All the words I was left with to express were: The right amount of everything turned out to be the right amount of love.
Ieva Mūrniece
Projekt je financiran s strani Evropske komisije. Vsebina objave odraža izključno stališča avtorja. Nacionalna agencija ter Evropska komisija nista odgovorni za kakršno koli uporabo informacij, ki jih objava vsebuje.
Our mission was to gather as many adventurers as we could and ask them to tell us their craziest adventures while travelling, so that we could create Google map full of funny and diverse video stories from all around the world.
And guess what? We did it! We filmed 15 adventurers that shared with us interesting things that happened in Brazil, Mexico, Germany, UK, Bulgaria, Spain, Turkey, Croatia, Iceland, Polland, Monaco, Morocco…..
Check out our Google map and get inspired for making your own crazy experiences!
Travel. Think. Share.